about be.

once upon a time, there was a little girl, who absolutely loved weddings. She loved going to weddings, reading about weddings, watching weddings on tv; anything that had anything to do with weddings, she was curious and count not get enough. She asked for a subscription to BRIDES magazine... when she was twelve, not because she always wanted to get married, but because she wanted to get her hands on everything she possibly could when it came to weddings. About thirteen months ago she had found her prince, he proposed and it was now her time, the wedding planning began. She pulled out her wedding binder of images she had compiled over the last thirteen years and started browsing. Although her original binder turned into 3 separate 2" binders, she needed more. So then she found something she could have never imagined reading when she was a small twelve year old girl... blogs. Blogs are a wonderful place to find ideas, fashions, and photos from real weddings around the world. They are updated more frequently then magazines, and rarely repeat their images. They were exactly what she needed and then it hit her why don't I start a blog for girls just like me? Girls that don't want to have to search the Internet high and low, but simply request one stop shopping for all the most amazing wedding photos and ideas. and so her story begins...

My name is Bailey Viola and I am the founder and owner of Just Be. Design Studio. Working in the event and wedding industry has been a dream of mine since I was twelve years old, and I am beyond excited to have finally started my own company. 

Just Be. may turn into so much more, but to start out I need to focus myself on what I am doing right now. Planning & Paper. I call myself an "Event & Design Studio" because I want clients to come to me with ideas, inspiration, colors, themes, etc. and from there I want to develop the Big Picture for them, from start to finish, including all the details. This is what I love and I want to share it with you all.